Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rhapsody in Golden Brown

So today after church, Tim got in the car, turned to me and said, "Nick's!" Yeah, buddy! So, if you've not been, Nick's is a restaurant inside Jeff City's sprawling Memorial Airport. It's the quintessential mom & pop home food joint. Their fried chicken. Mmmm. Yeah. Fried chicken. Nick's. Mmmmm... yard bird. Oh.....

Sorry, got stuck in a loop there. If you were lucky enough to be born one of Annie Backes' grandkids, you've had better chicken than Nick's. If not, get your tailfeathers out there sometime to see why my grandma's kitchen was a little hint of heaven. Besides, it's fun to watch the two and four-seater planes land, refuel, taxi and take off...especially when little kids are at the next table.

This Sunday chicken dinner reminded me that I've got several months to go before all the Mid-Mo German Catholic church picnics. Mary's Home and Frankenstein are my favorites, though I won't turn down a chance to go to Linn and Taos and Westphalia and Wardsville and...well, you get the idea.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dreaming of Dirt Under My Nails

February comes next week, so it's time for me to start craving plants. Flowers. Vegetables. Perennials. Annuals. Natives. Tropicals. Herbs. Shrubs. Trees.

Tim and I will have a whole new gardening/landscape experience with the new house. When I lamented leaving my well-established planting beds with their rich soil and nightcrawlers the size of garter snakes (I love them...but don't make me touch them), my beloved reminded me that our homesite was a cow pasture. I can't wait to see if we are blessed with cowpie-enriched soil. If not, well, we'll be able to break out our composter and start making some damn fine dirt outta leftovers and trimmings.

When we get moved in, I'll have to sit at the windows (or, please God, out in the yard in the warm March sun) and dream up some plans. We've already called dibs on a crabapple and a dogwood...maybe an oak or two. I've picked out a spot for a cool, low-height tree like a weeping cherry. So what if it will take a few years to knock a dent in the landscape dreams? It will be fun, and with any luck, never-ending.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tim and DeAnne are on the innerwebs!

We've been wanting to set up a page like this for a while, so we can keep up with our family and friends. Now that we've found our "this better be our forever home" house, we've gotten requests for photos. If I can figure out the posting process, you'll see some pictures somewhere on this page!

We'll get the house on Feb 22, and plan to move in slowly. That's the plan, anyway. There's a bit of painting we want to do, but other than that, we're good to go! It will be incredible to have a garage again...and to see what's in all the boxes we packed last year in Springfield.